Headstart Mentor Session - User Acquisition (INVITE ONLY)
May 20, 2017, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The registration for this event has ended.
Event Details
About Headstart Mentor:
Headstart Mentor is a hands off mentoring session for entrepreneurs, facilitated by Headstart. Our intention is to get qualifying startups coached by the industry’s best and to build a pay-it-forward culture in the startup circuit.
It is an invite-only meetup which aims to provide a structure to 5 qualifying startups to find solutions to their problems by interacting with brilliant peers and experts in their industry. A Mentor session lasts for 4 hours and is organised on specific domains (like Healthcare, EdTech etc.) or horizontals (like sales, fund raising etc.).
Participating startups need to meet the qualifying criteria specified by the mentor (like Revenue, stage of company etc.) and they must each come prepared with their single biggest challenge in that area. Example in a Mentor session on the theme 'Growth Hacking', the startup could come up with a specific problem statement like - 'We have 750 DAUs, how do we take it to 5000 DAUs without spending a bomb on paid user acquisition". A problem like this will require the mentor to understand your offering, your product and then recommend a strategy that you could run with.
There is nothing you have to pay to get mentored, but you have to make a promise - to pay it forward by mentoring younger startups when you are ready and have an opportunity.
Application shortlisting is COMPLETELY AT HEADSTART'S DISCRETION and on a best effort basis. Please give us at least 2 weeks to revert on your application!
The theme for this HS Mentor session is 'User Acquisition' and you would be mentored by Sarang Lakare
More about Sarang Lakare:
If your start need mentorship do apply here: bit.ly/hsmentor
Contact Us
Name: Abhishek Agrawal
Email: abhishek.a@headstart.in
Phone: 9503030386